If you want to run a massage equipment business, which body massagers can you choose to start? 


If you want to run a massage equipment business, which body massagers can you choose to start? 

Starting a business requires choosing the right product! Choosing the wrong products can lead you to bankruptcy. It will be a nightmare you’ll never forget. Some people started a business because their friends were doing the business. Or because they felt that the business was more profitable than their current one. It may also be that they did not check their capacity. Or have not familiarized themselves with the business in the first place. 

If you are interested in the massager business, what products can you sell?

Generally, massagers are becoming more and more popular. As people become more concerned about their health. So for every product you want to sell, you have to consider the health implication of the massager. It is a need to know very well what part of the body is benefitting and how.

Starting your business in this industry, I do suggest you start with a foot massager. After, you move to massage pillow and cushion. Then shoulder massager, fascia gun, massage chair.

Massage is a treatment that uses physical touch to relax, stimulate and heal the body. The treatment can be used to treat a variety of emotional and physical health problems. It is among the most popular spa treatments. 

During a massage, the skin and muscles are stroked, kneaded, warmed, rolled, and pressed.

If you want to run a massage equipment business, which body massagers can you choose to start? 

Massages come in many different types, each with a different focus and aim. Some reduce pain, others lift energy levels. Some help you improve a specific problem, while others just relax you.

Massage benefits your bones, muscles, heart, and skin. As well as your digestion, breathing, and mental health.

Why you can be in the massager business?

According to grand view research, the global market for massage equipment in 2018 was worth USD 6.9 billion. And as of 2018, massage chairs and sofas accounted for more than 50% of sales.

To expand the market scope, buyers must include one to two massage sessions per week. And with a range of massage equipment.

In developing countries, a growing number of shopping malls, supermarkets, and hypermarkets have opened the door for commercial massage chairs. Examples are China and India. As a result, the buyer’s market reach is expanding. The handheld massager market is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR of 9.6% from 2019 to 2025.

People are so much concerned about their health. An immediate reason for people to use a massager is to feel relaxed and calm. That occurs because massaging activities prompt the release of endorphins. Endorphin is the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that produce feelings of wellbeing. 

If you want to run a massage equipment business, which body massagers can you choose to start? 

There is also a reduction in stress hormones such as norepinephrine. and also cortisol, and adrenalin. Research has shown that high levels of stress hormones impair immunity. 

Massage helps your body circulate the “good stuff”. It also helps it remove the “bad stuff” – waste products, toxins, carbon dioxide, and excess water. By stimulating the nervous system and enhancing the lymphatic system, the immune system improves. 

You can treat sports injuries with it, and you can also use it to help with recovery after an injury. Also, it can prevent further muscle or tissue damage and increase an athlete’s range of motion.

Which massagers can you choose to start your business?

There are several types of massager equipment available. So, you must understand the type of massager available. Also, you will consider its health benefit and the application. This knowledge will help you know your target audience. You also know how to reach out to them. 

Foot Massager

The foot massage is intended to stimulate the muscles and joints in the foot, ankle, and lower leg. You can also massage your calf area as part of the foot massage. 

With a foot massage, you can ease your aches, pains, and stress. 

An electric foot massage uses both infrared heat therapy and manipulation compression.

If you want to run a massage equipment business, which body massagers can you choose to start? 

Here are some advantages of foot massager that you should know;

  • It has a high degree of customer acceptance. Since the product has been for a while and seems more popular, the acceptance level is high. For that, you need not describe how it functions. 
  • The product technology is mature. The foot massager uses infrared heat therapy and compression manipulation. 
  • Comprehensive coverage of foot massage and functional development. Foot massage has improved over time, and it is easier to use and operate. 
  • It has a low price compared to under massager. Since the product is accepted, the demand is high, and the price is low. 

There are also some disadvantages to foot massagers. Due to the high market demand, they are strong market competitors. Several similar products exist in the same industry. So there is a need for differentiated competition.To do well with this product, you must understand more about the different brands. And sell them based on the unique features they offer. 

Massage Pillow and Cushions

Massage cushions can help relieve pain in the back, shoulders, and neck. It massages the back, waist, and hips. But can also be extended to the shoulder area. 

According to Trusted Source, vagus and shoulder massage reduce stress. As it increases relaxation in a laboratory setting. 

If you want to run a massage equipment business, which body massagers can you choose to start? 

Advantages of Massage Pillow and Cushions

1. It can solve most people’s massage needs. NCCIH reports that a massage pillow may provide only short-term relief for the following; neck pain. And also shoulder pain, back pain, knee pain. 

Additionally, this massager has been shown to reduce pain, anxiety, and depression. Most importantly, in people with chronic conditions, such as cancer and fibromyalgia.

2. A wide range of products is portable and easy to store. You can choose from different types of massages, such as shiatsu and rolling massages. There are a variety of features available, including variable speeds and automatic shut-off timers. 

Besides these features, some models come with rechargeable batteries. Some have different massage types or levels, heated functions, and more.

Disadvantages of Massage Pillow and Cushions.

It can only massage shallow muscle tissue, limited by the structure of the massage action.

Heated massage cushions don’t have reclining functions like massage chairs. So if you want to raise your feet, you will need a reclining chair. To enjoy the benefits of a reclining massage cushion, you may have to buy furniture.

Massage Gun

Massage guns (sometimes called percussive massage treatment). They are portable, handheld devices that look and sound like drills. They’re almost always wireless – most come with rechargeable batteries. And have interchangeable attachments.

The attachments of the gun vibrate at a high frequency, and low intensity as the massage gun is on. The benefits are said to include faster recovery from workouts, improved performance. And reduced soreness afterward.

If you want to run a massage equipment business, which body massagers can you choose to start? 

Advantages of Massage Gun.

1. The product crowd positioning exactness. You can target the particular area of the body that you which to massage at every time. 

2. Since it is portable, it can be used both in the gym and sports crowd to achieve a muscle massage effect.

Disadvantages of Massage Gun.

A problem of product homogenization exists. And the industry is going to have to differentiate itself. Because of these reasons, 

Massaging guns are not cheap. Guns of the highest quality can cost several hundred dollars. So you need to understand the product you want to sell.

There are different sizes of massage guns. So keep in mind your customers’ comfort when it comes to how heavy and huge they want the massage gun to be. As well as the muscle they plan to use it on.

Massage Chair

Massage chairs contain internal motors and gears to massage the person seated inside. Most massage chairs have a digital controller to control the area and intensity of the massage. 

Most massage chairs look like recliners. There are many types and brands of chairs, including battery-operated office chairs. Separate massaging pads are less expensive and can be attached to an existing chair.

A massage chair can provide deep relaxation, reduce blood pressure, lowered pulse rate. And increased metabolism.

If you want to run a massage equipment business, which body massagers can you choose to start? 

Advantages of Massage Chair

1. The massage chair is program professional. its activity covers a large area of the body. A massage chair targets all the major muscle groups in your back, upper, and lower limbs. As well as relaxing your neck muscles. So a massage chair can perform all the tasks of other massage devices. 

2. It is profitable with a different price range. Massage chairs range in price from $150 up to $4,000, although a minority can go up to $15,000. The demand is high and varies by location and budget at various locations. 

3. Massage chairs can be installed in a home for decoration since it has a beautiful look. 

Disadvantages of Massage Chair

Pre-purchase and storage are expensive. Most of these chairs have the most weight limit. It varies quite a bit depending on the model; it is usually between 250 and 285 pounds. To keep stock of massage chairs requires paying for more storage space. 

Also, you need to complete the after-sales team. You may always need to assist your customer in operating the massage chair. That is because the nature of massage chairs needs technical knowledge. 

Keep in mind that when selling a massage chair, you need to have active customer support. 

In addition to these popular massagers, what other options do you have?

Eye Massager.

The eye massager stimulates the acupuncture points around the eyes. It accelerates blood circulation, reducing wrinkles and increasing skin elasticity. If used for fifteen minutes each day, it can also drop eye bags. And dark circles that result from insufficient sleep and poor circulation. As well as strengthening the metabolism of eye cells, eye massagers decrease puffiness, drowsiness. And drowsiness around the eyes.

They feature built-in systems that massage. And stimulate the areas that need relaxation, such as variable heat.

The combined models combine acupuncture, vibromassage, thermal and magnetic effects. They have infrared heaters on the airbags, which operate by pressure.

Head Massager

It feels great to get a head massage. A head massage may relieve headache symptoms, reduce stress. And promote hair growth, and also to provide sensory pleasure.

If you want to run a massage equipment business, which body massagers can you choose to start? 

Hand Massager

Having a hand massage can help reduce aches and pains or ease anxiety. It may also improve hand flexibility.

Most hand massagers have a design that allows a person to place their hand inside. As a result, the device creates vibrations that increase blood flow to the hand. Some hand massagers also provide heat, compression, and kneading.

To start selling hand massager, you may wish to consider the following factors:

1. A hand massager may come with a variety of massage modes, as well as heat. And compression levels, so a buyer can choose what is most suitable for their needs.

2. Heat is usually available on massagers to help further improve blood circulation.

3. When traveling, a person may want to choose a lightweight and portable model.

4. Consider the battery life of the device and whether it is rechargeable or powered by utility power.

Massage Bed

A massage bed package includes a set of standard massage bed accessories. Featuring a forward armrest shelf, an adjustable and removable face cradle. Also, it comes with a face cradle pad, sidearm extenders, removable face portable, as well as a free carrying bag.

Most times the massage bed is for commercial use. People prefer massage chairs to massage beds.


The massager industry is a growing industry. And with its growth rate expected to double yearly. That makes the industry available for investment. They are many massagers one can start selling. But when you want to start selling massagers, I do suggest you start with a foot massager. Then to a massage cushion, a massage gun, a shoulder massager, and a massage chair.

If you want to run a massage equipment business, which body massagers can you choose to start? 

By following the sequence, you will understand the difference in technology of each massager. Also, a foot massager has a wide range of acceptance in society. The reason is that its working principle and benefits are understood. 

It is also essential to also understand that different people buy massagers for various reasons. Each massager has its benefit and limitation.

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