Experience from a vending massage chair supplier, where to put your chair to make the most money?


Experience from a vending massage chair supplier, where to put your chair to make the most money?

Over time now, there has been an improvement in technology. As a result of that, there is an improvement in our standard of living. Many people want to relax and relieve stress. 

It is getting common to find massage chairs around high-traffic places. These include malls, airports, train stations, and movie theaters. And within large office buildings. The installment of massage chairs is replacing the traditional massage therapist.

Here, you spend less cost enjoying an excellent massage chair experience. That is much cheaper than purchasing a massage chair. Sometimes, the massage chair pricing varies with its benefits. And everyone can afford to buy a good massage chair with the extra functions and benefits. Also, you will never have to worry about message chair maintenance. 

Many foresighted companies have already put out massage chairs. And are making good money out of them. 

Leasing a massage chair is a recurring business. It is a profitable way to make an extra profit for an establishment. The benefits include; low investment cost, long life cycle, low labor cost. The place of placement of the massage chair for vending affects the business.

Experience from a vending massage chair supplier, where to put your chair to make the most money?

To lease a massage chair, you have to know what your customers understand about the benefit of a message. You will succeed in massage chair vending when people understand massage chairs.

The age of your customers also determines the type of massage chair. And the functions of the massage chair that you will install. Of course, you will not want your clients to feel dissatisfied with your service. Find out what to do when a customer says they are uncomfortable after using a massage chair

In the case of renting a massage chair in a healthcare facility, you may need to be aware of some of your patients. The reason is that some may suffer So illnesses. So, the massage chair should be comfortable for them. 

What is the vending massage chair?

Vending massage chairs are letting your client have experience with a massage chair without buying it. But rather pay as they use the chairs. Vending a massage chair is a passive way of generating money because you can vend the same chair over time.

Advantages of the vending massage chair?

The advantage of vending a massage chair applies to both the company and to their customer.  Let look at few advantages to the massage chair company in vending massage chairs.

Benefit of vending massage chair to Companies

  • It has fewer companies Investment costs

Since the installment is what the company does one-time, it saves cost. A company may decide to vend a few of its luxury brands. In that case, they are not much worried about the production of many massage chairs. Rather they vend the available products. That way, they will make fast revenue that covers the cost of production over a short period.

  • Low maintenance Cost. 

The company’s technical expertise helps to guide the customers on how to use a massage chair. Due to proper handling, the chance of the massage chair developing fault is low. So, it will cost the company little to keep the massage chair working.

  • Fast revenue

That is a passive source of income. One-time installation and used again and again. When a massage chair company is looking for ways to grow its business, this is one of the best strategies.

  • Advertising and Feedback 

The vending of massage chairs helps the company to advertise its products. Most customers who have never experienced a massage chair will be reluctant to buy. But until they have had the experience through the vending of massage chairs. Then they will consider the need to have the massage chair for themselves. 

Also, it is another way the company collects post-production feedback. Before manufacturing a massage chair, the firm conducts research and development. But, the vending of the massage chair allows them to gather feedback on user experiences. The collected data from the customer becomes the market pain points. And a need in the market which the company will develop or improve.

Experience from a vending massage chair supplier, where to put your chair to make the most money?

Benefit of vending massage chair to customers.

  • Compare to buy a massage chair.

Vending helps customers in having enough experience before making a choice. Vending helps customers figure out which massage chair serves their primary purpose. The tips to choose a massage chair.

  • Lower Cost of Consumption

The consumption cost is usually low. Not all your customers can avoid getting a massage chair. So they can enjoy a good experience. It does cost from $1 to $5 per massage.

How to Choose the Place to put the vending massage chair?

Even though they may not be the best place to place a vending massage chair to generate more revenue. it is a need to consider what type of customers you will be meeting at various locations. 

The type of massage chair you will place in such an area depends on your knowledge of your customers. You will also gain a better understanding of the kinds of challenges that may occur at such locations. And how you will prepare before they occur.

Choose an area with high traffic flow.

If you place a vending massage chair in a high-traffic area, you will be more likely to meet new customers. You could meet a customer who has not experienced massage chairs. And you could also meet people who have different works of life. Sometimes different challenges.

The implication is that; you may spend more time. And resources trying to convince a new customer who does not have experience as a massage chair. Here also, you need a technical expert who will guide them on how to make the best experience for the massage chair.

High traffic place that you can place vending massage chairs. And factors you may be considering;

  • Shopping Center.

Bear in mind that people often hang out in shopping centers. 

The type of vending massage chair that best fits this place is usually the luxury time. Since there is no sick person in such a place. The massage chair here will pay little attention to the health conditions. Thus, the great feature to place vend message chair is luxury. 

  • Airport.

Considering that people of different classes and ages use an airport. They could be more different massage chairs which benefit various persons. Among your customers could be customers who have health challenges. And also senior citizens. 

A health therapist can guide you in choosing massage chairs that will not cause discomfort to your customers. 

  • Station.

 Not as much different as an airport. Noise and a busy environment should also be a factor to consider. Here, massage chairs are base on their functions for different classes of people. There is also the chance of customers who are sick or have some health challenges. And as well, you will likely have senior citizen customers. 

  • Large Medical Centers.

 There is a high chance of customers who have some illness. You may not need to create much public awareness of the importance of massage chairs. But the message chair may not have uniform settings for every customer. The reason is that for every customer, you will consider the health condition. And your customer does not feel discomfort after the massage chair experience. 

Experience from a vending massage chair supplier, where to put your chair to make the most money?

Areas with massage demand. 

Here, is an area that has a good number of people who understand the need for a massage chair. Since people who work in such an establishment have wild knowledge of a therapist. 

  • Large Office Building.

 This can be a manufacturing company or a government establishment. The type of massage chair suitable depends on the class of workers in the establishment. No matter the class of workers in this office, there will be interest to vend a massage chair. 

  • Resort.

 Resorts has targeted customers who may have come on a vacation and will like to relax. Vending a luxury massage chair will be profitable. Take into account the age and health of your customers as well. Since you may have more senior citizens.

Areas with a willingness to cooperate 

This area captures people who are willing to cooperate. The reason is that these places are public places for social interaction. 

  • Cinemas.

The cinemas are always where people want to visit to interact with friends. The suitable vending massage chair is the luxury massage chair. You should pay attention to controlling the users. So, you can need to consider placing a robust and luxury massage chair. 

  • Hostels.

 Hostels are of different classes. The type of massage chair you should place is determined by the class of hostel around. It will be more profitable to place luxury massage chairs in a classic hotel. you will be able to capture customers who understand the need. And the importance of massage chairs. And they are willing to vend it. 

  • Casino.

 This place required a robust massage chair. The reason is that an average number of people who visit here are gamblers. You can also place a luxury massage chair. But that should only be in places where they are top officials and high-profile persons. 

Comfortable Areas with a waiting area.

Comfortable areas are places where people relax while they wait to for a service. Luxury massage chairs are the best option of chairs you can place in those places. These places have great interest customers who are willing to use the massage chair. Good examples of those places are

  • Golf Course
  • Hair Salon Shop 
  • Staff Lounge

Things to note when putting massage chair

Massage Chair hygiene

It is necessary to consider the hygiene of the massage chair since it is a shared model. Many people get in contact with the skin of the massage chair. When the massage chair is not cleaned, it could affect the use of the massage chair. So, you should ensure the that massage chair used are made of leather or Faux Leather. Faux leather is produced from a plastic bag. Then it is treated with wax, dye, or polyurethane to give it color and texture. 

Faux leather has low-cost maintenance, durable. It can withstand pressure and is easy to clean. So, faux leather becomes the best leather for massage chairs. You should so ensure that the massage chair you will be putting out is faux leather.

Maintaining the massage chair hygiene is not only to protect the massage chair. But your customers also perceive that you care for their health. And will be happy to come back to make use of the massage chair.

Experience from a vending massage chair supplier, where to put your chair to make the most money?

Massage Chair Maintenance

The massage chair is an electronic device and has mechanical moving parts. These parts are subject to breaking down after some time due to some factors. These factors include consistent use of the massage chair. 

For a long time use, periodic inspections are necessary of the massage chair. It is possible for your customer to feel discomfort when a massage chair is faulty. And sometimes result in medical challenges. Use the massage chair cover to protect the massage chair when not in use. That way, people will not sit on it as a regular chair. 

Discourage people from seating or approaching the massage chair with fluid, or drinks. The reason is that it is risky when this substance spill on the massage chair. it can cause a short-circuiting on the massage chair. That leads to damage to the massage chair. 

Massage Chair Payment Issues

Before placing a massage chair, understand the convenient way of receiving payment. Coins are usually the preferred method of payment. But, most places where massage chairs can be placed, are for travelers. Since most do not travel with physical money. 

Thus, you may integrate mobile payment, payment through cards. There are some places, such as casinos, where it is also important to consider the risk of moving money. 


Placing vending massage chair is an extra way to make money as a massage chair supplier. It comes with reoccurring profit, and low maintenance cost. Besides that, it becomes a way to advertise your message before a large audience. 

Yet, before you place a vending massage chair, you should under your customer. This way, you will know the brand of massage chair that best fit such a place. 

Experience from a vending massage chair supplier, where to put your chair to make the most money?

Make sure to keep the massage chair hygienic since many people will use it. Check the massage chair as often as possible to ensure that it is not defective. With everything said. Ensure that your customers can pay.

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