How To Cooperate With The Massage Chair Factory And Become a Distributor


How To Cooperate With The Massage Chair Factory And Become a Distributor

Edric is an exclusive distributor of [X brand] massage chairs and lives in a Southeast Asian country. Also, he minted money through the massage chair business. As a result, he expanded his store while he opened some branches. Do you also want to become like Edric?

An exclusive distributor reserves the exclusive rights of a product. To become a successful exclusive distributor like Edric, one needs to find a reliable company. Besides, you need to understand the market demand if you want to become an exclusive distributor of a massage chair factory. Another most important thing is a solid understanding of the sales cycle.

When you become an exclusive distributor, you can turn this opportunity into a gold mine. Edric is happy with his business. Many people are successful, like Edric. The primary reason behind their success is less number of competitors in the market.

Another reason for Edric’s success is that he is the distributor of [X brand] massage chairs. Remember that the product matters a lot. Had Edric been a distributor of some average massage chair company, he’d not have been as successful as he is now. You can set your own goals. You will write your chapter of success if you become an exclusive distributor!

How To Choose The Right Factory?

There are a lot of successful companies that look for exclusive distributors. It would be best if you try to find a company which has some experience in the market. Suppose you choose some XYZ company. Then your success will be proportional to that XYZ company’s success.

Suppose you create a wishlist of “Which company I should choose.” There might be plenty of massage chair factories on your wishlist. A good massage chair company will have a Quality Management System Certification. Strike off the companies that don’t have Quality Management System Certification.

ISO issues this certification. ISO is the acronym for International Organization for Standardization. This standard defines several quality management principles. They are:

  • A strong customer focus.
  • The motivation and implication of top management.
  • The process approach.
  • Continual improvement.
How To Cooperate With The Massage Chair Factory And Become a Distributor

Edric is lucky that he doesn’t have any competition in his area. In the words of Peter Thiel, “There are exactly two kinds of businesses in this world. Businesses that are perfectly competitive and businesses that are monopolies”. This quotation is telling many things:

  • It says that you need to make sure that there are no other exclusive distributors in your area.
  • If you have no competitors, you will pave your way for higher profits and streamlined focus. However, finding a good massage chair factory for the exclusive distributorship might become arduous. Try finding a massage chair factory that is a player in the market for at least three years.
  • Try finding a company whose business vibes match yours.

You can also provide some after-sales service. After-sales service gives rise to word-of-mouth marketing.

This way, your massage chair distributorship will relieve both mental and physical pain. It will also contribute to skyrocketing sales!

How To Provide Your Market Demand?

Understanding the market is a vital need if you want to become good at distributorship. First, you must be aware of your market preferences. People in different areas are habitual to other kinds of designs of massage chairs. It will help if you consider:

  • The appearance design
  • Color scheme
  • Preferred functions
  • Configuration of a massage chair.
How To Cooperate With The Massage Chair Factory And Become a Distributor

Color psychology might play an important role here. According to various researches, it is known that specific colors evoke different kinds of emotions in the customer. So, it will affect the sales. For example, some customers might find white-colored massage chairs more suitable. Your customer wants to relax, and white is a symbol of calmness or peace.

If you want to please your customers with your services, you might want to know the target customers first. Below are the points that you might consider:

  • A massage chair might be more suitable for those whose average income is decently good.
  • You might also consider that males might be potential buyers of your massage chair rather than females. But, of course, it can be vice versa too.
  • People having a good average salary might be your target customer base.

There will be cases when you need to compete with other distributors also. “Know your enemy, know his sword.” This quote by Miyamoto Musashi fits well in this situation. If your competitors are providing better services than you do, you might want to reconsider certain things. The pricing of the product must also be neither too high nor too low compared with your competitors. Factors like pricing, services, and product quality play an imperative role.

Innovative ideas and marketing campaigns can act as a catalyst. This catalyst can enhance the growth of your massage chair distributorship.

Try to compare your product with other company’s products. List down all the points that set you apart from other competitors. These points can be unique design points or a specific technology that only your product has in the whole market. Apple’s “Think Different” campaign is a masterclass example. It proves how a marketing campaign can impact your sales drastically.

You can also try some creative marketing campaigns. It will make you successful like our dear friend Edric is!

How To Purchase And Prepare According To The Sales Cycle?

To sustain in the ever-changing market, you need some sales channels. Engaging with third parties is also very important. Building partnerships with them might give you a scope of a large customer base. Keep up good communication with your channel sales partners. It can become a significant key to the success of your business. You can target your audience online as well as online. Channel sales will highly impact your business. So make sure that you choose your partners wisely.

Many companies believe in innovative marketing campaigns. For example, back in 1996, Nike tried its best to become the title sponsor of the Atlanta Olympics. But, it couldn’t become the title sponsor. So, Nike tried an innovative marketing solution. It sponsored various players instead. And when Michael Jhonson took Gold in the 400-meter dash, his golden-colored Nike shoes shone brightly. Millions of viewers saw this. And a few days after the Olympics, his photo with those Nike shoes was on the cover page of a famous international magazine.

This story of Nike is a perfect example of how despite all the odds, Nike created history with its innovative marketing strategy. Innovative strategies like these will double your sales in a concise amount of time. It was a time when social media was absent. Now in today’s age of the internet, you can also use the power of social media for your marketing campaigns!

There might be a case where there is a massive demand for massage chairs.

But what if you don’t have enough stocks? Make sure that you have enough inventory. Analyze your sales cycle and prepare enough stock according to your analysis. Knowing the target amount of your supplies beforehand is a good practice.

How To Cooperate With The Massage Chair Factory And Become a Distributor
How To Cooperate With The Massage Chair Factory And Become a Distributor

You need to come out of your comfort zone and think out of the box. Analyze the local market habits and prepare a plan according to that. For example, a hot sale season or a particular sale season might be a good idea. Sales and marketing teams should work closely and make sure that the strategies are fresh and innovative. You can also use storytelling marketing to connect with your customers emotionally. It is highly effective in any business.

In a Nutshell

There are several massage chair factories. Choosing one among them can decide the fate of your distributorship business. If you choose a good company, you will have its back. To create a firm grip on your business, you should stock up your inventories so that you are easily accessible to your customers.

Another critical takeaway has a great marketing campaign. Innovative and out-of-the-box ideas can make your business grow in ways that you can’t even dream of ever.

Ensure that you understand the sales cycle and organize a hot-sale season kind of thing. It will attract customers.

You should also know about your competitors. Knowing your competitors is a pillar upon which you can establish your business with a strong foundation.

Demographic analysis is also essential if you want to analyze your target customer base in a better way.

With all these takeaways, you can indeed become like Edric!

How To Cooperate With The Massage Chair Factory And Become a Distributor
How To Cooperate With The Massage Chair Factory And Become a Distributor

If you’re choosing some XYZ company, then remember the following mathematical expression by heart.

Your Success ∝ XYZ company’s success [ Maths never lie! ]

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